3 Minutes on why 45 Years of BFS Means Success For You!

3 Minutes on why 45 Years of BFS  Means Success For You!

October 28, 2015

BFS Championship Camps bring together all the aspects of the Total Program in an action packed weekend. BFS clinicians are trained to have your athletes up and running the program on Monday morning after your Camp.


The Championship Camp begins with a "coaches only" breakout session to get the staff up to speed on how the Total Program provides results through record keeping and goal setting. Then the student-athletes get two days of coaching and education on correct lifting, speed, plyometrics, all the while breaking personal records every week!

Be An 11

Your Championship Camp also includes an evening session of the impactful Be An 11 character building seminar! Students, faculty, coaches and parents can all benefit from this presentation on living up the potential of being an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. The effects of this special evening can reach beyond athletics and academics to a lifelong attitude of success.

Getting Started Today

Since 1976 BFS has brought the Total Program to thousands of high schools across the country and the stories of success are countless. Every sport benefits from players who are strong and athletic. Football, basketball, volleyball, track, wrestling, boys or girls, it does not matter - The Total Program has succeeded in creating champions. Read about them in the BFS Magazine and then take action to bring culture of dedication, personal responsibility, and WINNING to your school and program.

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